How to Edit Existing Payments

Editing Payment Method, Amount, Allocations and Allocation Dates

Updated over a week ago

There are two ways to edit payments in PracSuite:

Note: To edit payments, the Edit Previous Saved Payments Role permission must be enabled, along with the following permission as required:

  • Edit Payment Date/Time

  • Edit Payment Allocations

  • Edit Payment Business

  • Edit Payment Amount

  • Edit Payment Method

Editing Payments from the Payments Tab on Patient and Payer Files

Existing payments can be edited from the Invoices > Payments tab on patient and payer files.

Patient File

Payer File

Once you're on the payments tab, select the payment in the grid results and then select Edit.

Within the popup, you can:

  • Edit Payment Method

  • Edit Payment Amount

  • Edit Payment Allocation Dates

  • View all invoices associated with the payment

Click Confirm to finalise your changes.

Editing Payments from an Invoice

Open an invoice from the Invoices tab of a patient or payer file.

Select Edit in the top left.

Hover of the payment you wish to modify and select the Edit pencil icon.

A red banner will appear when editing a payment that is associated with multiple invoices. If you choose to edit the payment date, time, business, type and amount, note that this will affect all invoices that the payment is associated with.

Enter a reason for editing the payment.

Select Confirm to finalise your changes.

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