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Online Booking General Settings
Updated over a year ago

Online booking allows your clients to book directly into your PracSuite appointment book via your website and social media pages.

To enable online booking in PracSuite, go to Settings > Online Booking > Online Booking Overview.

Customising the appearance of the online booking page

Enter a Display Name, which appears at the top of the online booking page and should encompass all your business locations.

Add an optional Display Logo. This file should be the same size as the display logo located in General settings (200px x 60px).

Select the Organisation Descriptor that best suits your business. Choose between: Practice, Clinic or Centre.

Select the Booking Order to determine the selection process when booking an appointment. E.g. a client could select a location and then see what services are available there, or vice versa.

You can select two colours to customise the appearance of your online booking site. The primary colour is usually taken from your logo and/or website. Use the palette icon to input the exact colour. Ask your web designer for the "hex code" of your theme colour. The secondary colour is used as a highlight. For the largest impact, it should be a completely different colour to the primary colour.

Select a Practitioner Descriptor as either practitioner or therapist.

Your Online Booking URL

Enter your desired Online Booking URL, typically matching your website address. Once entered, select the tick to check and reserve the address to secure your online booking URL. You will be notified if your chosen URL is not available.

You are then able to use the pencil icon to edit it or use the copy button to easily send it to your web developer. Clicking on the link will take you to your online booking site once everything has been set up.

Note: If you change your URL, you must update all places where the previous URL appears on your website and social media pages.

Choosing what information to collect from patients

Customise what information the online booking site will collect from patients when they book as a guest. Name, Email and Phone number are always required. You have the option to hide, show or require a client's Date of Birth, Address, Gender, Appointment Reminder Preferences and/or Marketing Preferences. The Appointment Reminder and Marketing Preferences allow patients to tick SMS or Email options.

Marketing tracking

PracSuite Online Bookings allows you to add popular marketing tracking tools such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Facebook Pixel.

Click below the links below to learn more about where to find your tracking IDs.

Enter the respective tracking ID into the fields provided.

Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy URLs

If you have a Terms & Conditions and/or Privacy Policy that you would like to link to in the booking process, copy and paste the links into the respective fields. Adding one or both of these links will add a line of text during the booking process stating that by booking the client agrees to the linked policies.

Welcome Message Popup

Enabling the Welcome Message Popup allows you to customise an initial message that appears when a client first accesses the online booking page. A great way to advertise changes in policy, announce a new practitioner or service or otherwise communicate information to your patients.

Enabling Individual Appointments

Individual appointments are a one-on-one appointment between a client and a practitioner, excluding group appointments. Turn on the toggle to enable individual appointments to be booked online.

Set the Minimum Search Range which represents how much notice you would like when someone is booking online. For example, a one-hour minimum search range means that the earliest possible time a client can book in is one-hour away from the current time.

The Maximum Search Range represents to furthest possible date a patient can search for an appointment from the current date.

The PracSuite online booking system allows you to decide how many appointments are offered during a period (morning, afternoon and evening). With this setting at 3 appointments per period, a client will see up to 9 appointments per date. A maximum of 10 appointments can be displayed per period, allowing up to 30 possible appointment times in a day.

Finally, set the Guest Fee Category to determine what Fee Category the booking system will use to generate a fee to display (if enabled in the Services menu).

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