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Online Booking
Processing Online Bookings
Processing Online Bookings
Updated over a week ago

When an appointment is booked online an alert will appear in the bottom right of PracSuite.

If you don't see the Alert tool, ensure that the user's Role has access to Alerts and that the Alerts tool is selected in the three-dot menu at the top-right of PracSuite.

Online guest bookings will also display on the appointment book in a purple colour with a globe symbol. The colour of guest bookings can be customised in Settings > Appointment Book.

When selecting the guest booking in the Alert tool or when clicking the online booking from the appointment book, the processing window will appear.

This window allows you to view the details the patient provided online and make the decision to attach the appointment to a new patient file or an existing patient file.

Existing patient files that are a potential match to the details the patient provided when booking online are displayed at the bottom of the pane. You can also search to find a patient file that is not displayed.

If there are no matches found, simply select the New Client button and a new file will be created.

If you've selected an existing file, you will have a final opportunity to update the details on the existing file on the next screen on a field-by-field basis.

Use the arrows in the middle of the pane to update details on the existing file.

Select Save to finalise your changes.

The appointment will then be displayed in the regular appointment type colour, with the globe symbol remaining to indicate that it was booked online.

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