State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) in NSW requires that all workers compensation and related third-party invoices contain a practitioner's SIRA and AHPRA numbers. A practitioner's (health fund/Medicare) provider number is not required for allied health practitioners. You can learn more about the SIRA requirements from their website here:
💡Note that if you also bill iCare NSW claims through Tyro Online, the practitioner will need to continue to have the appropriate provider number set without the SIRA and AHPRA numbers.
PracSuite can automatically select a practitioner's registration number details, such as their Provider, SIRA and AHPRA numbers, based on the practitioner's Business, Profession and the patient's Fee Category or Health Fund.
For the automatic selection of the correct practitioner registration, it is essential that the patient has the appropriate Fee Category selected on their file. Typically, these Fee Categories may be "Workcover" or "Third-Party (SIRA)". Learn more about creating and assigning Fee Categories to patients here:
Displaying a Practitioner SIRA and AHPRA number on an Invoice
To set up SIRA and AHPRA numbers for a practitioner, go to a Practitioner's file and select EDIT.
Scroll to Provider Numbers and select ADD. Select the Business, Profession and relevant Fee Category. We are using "Workcover" in the example below.
💡If the practitioner has multiple business and profession options, you will need to add entries to cover each of their Business and Profession combinations where they will be submitting SIRA claims.
Use the Label drop-down to select Custom and then in the Prov/Reg No. field enter both the SIRA and AHPRA numbers, such as below.
SIRA: 12345 AHPRA: PHY0001234567
Note that Tyro Health EFTPOS and Tyro Health Online need to be unticked.
💡Note it is important to have Tyro Health Online Claiming unchecked so that iCare online claiming will default to the standard practitioner registration details, which will be the practitioner's provider number.
Select SAVE and repeat for any other business/profession/practitioner combination as required.
This change means these SIRA and AHPRA registration details will appear on all future invoices and any reissued (print/email) invoices when the patient is assigned to the appropriate Fee Category.