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Medicare & DVA Claiming
Telehealth Consultations and Bulk Bill Claiming
Telehealth Consultations and Bulk Bill Claiming
Updated over a week ago

Practitioners providing telehealth services are required to obtain consent directly from the patient prior to submitting a Medicare bulk bill claim. The official advice from Medicare regarding this process is available here.

Suggestions for PracSuite users to obtain electronic benefit assignment consent for telehealth consultations can be found below:

1. Per Services Australia's current advice, send an email to the patient using a standard proforma (available at the previous link) using PracSuite merge fields to prefill the required practitioner and patient data.

2. Use the Forms feature in PracSuite instead of emailing. The benefit here is that Forms are returned directly to PracSuite and recorded in the corresponding patient file, whereas email will be returned to your email inbox. At the bottom of this article, you can download an example form template that you can import for this workflow, though you will need to specify the item code on the template.

Once you’ve designed an email template incorporating the proforma or the form template merge field, it must be sent from the appointment details screen for the appointment merge fields to work.

After receiving the email reply or the completed form, you can submit the claim as normal. Once the claim is approved, the DB4 form can be emailed to the patient from the Tyro Health Online tab as shown below:

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