Typing a question mark (?) into the search box or selecting the 'i Search Tips' button reveals tips for advanced searches in PracSuite.
To search for a client name, preferred name or surname just start typing.
To search for a specific surname and first or preferred name use a comma between search fields as follows: surname, first or preferred name
To search for a client file number, phone number or DOB just type your search as follows: 2/11/1975 or 83612666
For advanced search start your search with the following descriptors including the colon.
CLI: general client search
CLIS: client last name
CLIN: client first name
CLIP: client preferred name
CLIA: client address
CLIPH: client phone
CLIE: client email
CLIDOB: client date of birth
CLIF: client file number
CLAIMNO: client's account claim number
CLIID: client's account client ID
NDIS: client's NDIS number
REF: Referrer
ORG: Organisation
PAY: Payer
MAR: Marketing Source
SP: Supplier
INV: Invoice
QUO: Quote
STA: statement