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Google Calendar Integration
Google Calendar Integration
Updated over a week ago

The direct integration with Google Calendar allows PracSuite appointments to be synced with Google Calendar and is an alternative to the icalendar feature. The integration is one-way, but should refresh quicker than the icalendar feature for Google Calendar users.

From the user menu in the top right-hand corner of PracSuite, select Manage Calendar Integrations.

Enable Google Calendar for the relevant PracSuite Business.

Select Sign in with Google.

After signing in to your Google account, select the Select All option to ensure PracSuite can access all required data.

Select the calendar that you want to sync PracSuite appointments with. You can also customise what patient identifiers you want to appear alongside the appointment in Google Calendar.

Select Save to finalise your changes.

You will now see PracSuite appointments in your selected Google Calendar.

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