Using My Tasks
Updated over a week ago

Tasks are a way to assign and manage to-dos for individual users or groups of users in a business, or roles within a business.

To set up Tasks, navigate to Tools > My Tasks on the menu bar.

In the My Tasks menu, you can view all current tasks and add new tasks. Click the Add Task button to open the task editor.

In the New Task pane, select the Task Type, Status, Assigned To, Due Date and Notes.

You can also add a checklist that allows you to mark things off as you go for more complicated tasks. Select Add Checklist and then configure as required using the Add button to add additional items to your list. Select Save to add your checklist.

You will now see it on your task as well as the counter on your Task widget, the Tasks Report and My Tasks views.

Clicking Save will create this new task. In the tasks tab, the new task will appear. Hovering over it will reveal a complete and delete button, which can be used to mark the task as finished or remove the task completely.

An easy way to view your tasks is by adding the Task Widget to your homepage.

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