You can customise the top menu bar and the function dock on the bottom right-hand corner in PracSuite. This will allow you to add the functions you need to perform your role and bring them front and centre, removing functions you do not require.
To customise, hover over your display name on the upper right-hand corner of the screen to reveal a popup menu as below.
Full Screen toggles between full-screen mode and normal screen mode. Full-screen mode removes the URL bar and maximises the size of the PracSuite window.
Menu Bar Settings
Show Time displays the system time.
Show Weather allows you to set up the current weather for your desired location. The first time you enable it, you will be able to customise your weather as below. You can return to the weather setup at any time by clicking the cog.
Search for your location. Note that you will need to type the full name of your location. Once you see the location you are looking for, select it.
You can set the Unit of Measurement as either Metric or Imperial.
Once your location and unit of measurement are set, select OK to finish adding the weather to your menu bar.
Dock Settings
Practitioner Queue is available to practitioners and displays clients who have been set as arrived in the appointment book.
Notepad gives you space to write quick notes that get stored in your browser as you navigate PracSuite.
Chat allows you to instantly message other PracSuite users in your system.
Autohide when not in use will hide the dock until the mouse moves over the area or a notification is received.
Alerts display SMS Replies, Online Booking notifications, Practitioner Alerts, Waiting List Alerts and Form Alerts.