The following information has been collated from the Tyro Health Online Knowledge Base.
What is Tyro Health Online Private Health Insurance (PHI) Claiming?
Tyro Health Online allows PracSuite users to raise digital private health insurance and overseas health insurance claims without a physical EFTPOS Terminal.
Important things to note
Here are some things to know about Tyro Health Online PHI claiming to make sure the solution is right for you:
Not all private health insurers are supported. You can view a list of supported funds here.
Tyro Health Online PHI supports most allied health professions. Click here for more details.
While your patient does not need their private health insurance membership card, they do need to know their card details.
The process works by your patient receiving an SMS to authorise the health fund claim.
You can see what SMS Payment Requests to your patients look like here, and print out a guide to share with patients.
How to submit a Tyro Health Online health fund claim via PracSuite
Before submitting claims, you'll need to ensure that the item code you're claiming has the Health Fund claim option enabled.
After adding the item to an invoice, select the Health Fund Claim button.
The Tyro Health Online popup will appear. If you have not previously entered the patient's health fund information onto their patient file, you can choose to enter it on behalf of the patient, or have the patient enter their info when they receive the SMS from Tyro Health Online. More info on this is below.
After selecting Continue to Payment, the following screen will appear.
Your patient will receive an SMS with a link that will prompt them to either log in to an existing Tyro Health Online account, or enter their details to accept your transaction.
This transaction will expire in 15 minutes, so it's important to have your patient approve the transaction before they leave your location.
Make sure your patient enables sharing of their location. For more information on why Tyro Health Online requires this, click here.
If you have added your patient's private health insurance details when creating the transaction, they will be able to view their benefit amount and gap cost.
If not, the patient can now add their health fund details.
The patient then has the option to pay their gap by card or in-person:
If paying by card, they can tap the "card" option to enter their card details and "Approve".
If they're paying in person (for example, with cash or via a terminal), they can tap "in person" and then tap "Approve". For details on how to enable the 'pay in person' payment option, click here.
The patient then has the option to add their payment card details and approve the claim and payment at the same time.
If the patient would like to pay with cash, or via an EFTPOS terminal, they can just tap "Approve" to approve their health insurance claim, and you can take the payment outside of Tyro Health Online.
Once the patient selects approve, the transaction is complete and you will be able to see this reflected back in PracSuite.