PracSuite includes automated processes to book Family Members together in Group Appointments or sequentially as individual appointments.
This article covers:
1. Enabling 'Booking as Family' in PracSuite
Go to Settings > Appointment Book > Appointment Book and click Edit.
Under the General section, enable the option 'Enable Booking as Family' and click Save.
2. Adding Families to Group Appointments
Create a new Group Appointment or open an existing booking.
Click the Add Family button.
On the patient selection pane a toggle will be available to change between booking an Individual or a Family.
When toggled to Individual, selecting a patient will add that individual patient to the group appointment.
While toggled to Family you still begin by selecting a single patient, however, you will then be prompted to select the additional family members to book into this group appointment.
Select all the additional Family Members that you would like to add to this Group Appointment. You can also adjust the Account and Item Code to be booked for each selected patient.
Please note that:
By default, each family member will be set to use their 'Family' billing account. This is to accommodate 'Family Billing' and allow for shared invoices.
If the family member does not have 'Family Billing' enabled, this will be set to using that patients default account instead.
Each family member will be booked using their default communication preferences, for appointment Reminders and Follow Ups. This can be overwritten for all selected patients by selecting Apply Custom Settings.
Click Book to add the selected family members to the group appointment.
This process can be repeated to book additional families and does not prevent other individuals from being added separately.
3. Booking Families with Individual Appointments
Following the standard booking process, click an empty slot on the Appointment Book to begin making an appointment.
On the patient selection pane a toggle is available to change between booking an Individual or a Family.
When toggled to Individual, selecting a patient will continue the booking process for that patient alone.
While toggled to Family you will still begin by selecting a single patient, however, you will then enter a process to book all other family members in sequence.
Toggle the option to Family and select the first patient you would like to book. The patient selected at this step will be placed into the selected appointment slot.
A notification will appear on the right-hand side of the screen to show the family members being booked.
Clicking any slot on the appointment book will proceed with booking that patient.
As you book each family member in sequence the notification will update accordingly.
Continue booking each family member in sequence until all patients are booked.
If you do not wish to book a particular family member at this time, you can remove them from this process by hovering over there name and using the cross.
Once all family members have been booked or cleared the Book Family notification will disappear automatically. Alternatively the process can be ended at any time by closing the notification using the cross in the top-right corner.
This is a quick and easy way of booking multiple family members with individual appointments, without having to open or re-select those patient files individually.