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Adding Locum Practitioners
Updated over a year ago

If you have a locum practitioner attending the practice, they will require a dedicated practitioner file with their relevant provider number.

Creating additional practitioner files does impact your monthly PracSuite subscription fee.

Charges for Locum Practitioners

If you wish to reduce fees for locums, you should avoid marking their practitioner file as active until as close to their start date as possible and continue to book appointments in the primary practitioner's column.

When creating a new practitioner file, you will have the option to create the file, but leave it marked as inactive so that it doesn't impact your subscription fee.

When you're ready for the locum's practitioner file to become active, you can create a new file or mark an existing file for them as active in Settings > Practitioners.

Once the locum's practitioner file is active, you can move appointments from the original practitioner's column to the locum's column. The easiest way to do this is by dragging and dropping the appointments.

You should also consider the following:

  • Ruling out the main practitioner's column for the duration of their absence using a rule out, Day Off or Roster Override.

  • Enabling the locum practitioner file for online booking (if applicable)

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