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Practitioner Performance Dashboard
Practitioner Performance Dashboard
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The Practitioner Performance page in PracSuite serves as a centralised hub for tracking KPIs. This can be used to monitor practitioner performance, enhance patient care, and track the financial success of your business.

This customisable dashboard allows practices to focus on metrics like appointment counts, billing trends, or patient engagement, providing real-time insights that support data-driven decisions.

This article explains key performance metrics — based on appointments, billing, and patient data — and demonstrates how to configure these KPIs to suit your business needs.

Configuring the Performance Dashboard

The Performance Dashboard can be accessed from Reports > Performance.

Select Customise to begin configuring the performance dashboard.

Select Edit to start adding Metric Groups and Metrics.

Creating a Metric Group

To begin, click Add Metric Group.

In this example, we are creating a Metric Group called ''Appointments'' with a default date range of ''Last Week''.

For this example, we will add appointment-related metrics to this group, but you could also create groups for billing and patient metrics - or any other grouping you need. You could also create multiple ''Appointment'' groups, and separate them by date range:

Example Metric Groups:
Appointments - This Month
Appointments - Last Month
Appointments - Month Before Last
Billings - This Month
Billings - Last Month
Billings - Month Before Last

All metrics within this group will default to the date range specified, but you can override this when viewing the full performance dashboard.

Once you've created a Metric Group, you can start adding Metrics.

Adding Metrics

On the Performance Customise screen, select Add Metric.

Select the Metric you would like to add.

A list of all the available metrics can be found at the bottom of this article.

In this example, we'll select the Appointment Totals metric.

The Customise Metric screen will appear, where you can customise what this metric displays. In this example, we have customised this metric to search for ''New Patient'' appointments as something we want to track.

You can customise each metric in several ways:

  • Metric Name - Choose a short but descriptive name for this metric that will appear on the Performance Dashboard.

  • Metric Type - Each metric will have different types to choose from. For example, the Appointment Totals metric can measure the total number or total duration of appointments.

  • Default Weekly Target - Choose a weekly target that the majority of practitioners should be aiming to reach. Setting custom targets for a practitioner is explained further below.

  • Default Target Type - For practitioners who work at multiple businesses, select whether the target is combined for all businesses or divided equally across each business. Setting custom targets per business is explained further below.

  • Display Type - Metrics will display the percentage progress in relation to the target as well as how the practitioner's performance is trending compared to the previous date range. Metrics have two display types:

Certain metrics, such as the Rebooking, Cancellation and Missed/DNA metrics, will display with a marker indicating the target percentage.

You can now repeat this process to add any appointment-related metrics wanted in this group. For example, you can track all appointments, online appointments, cancelled appointments etc.

Interpreting Metric Results

Most metrics will be displayed on the dashboard in the same format, where your Target (in this case "10 new patient appointments") will be represented as ''100%''.

The exceptions are when using the Missed, Cancelled and Rebooked metrics and specifying a ''Target Percentage''. In this case, the progress bar and percentages are based on the total number of appointments, while your target is displayed with a blue line.

(2/10)x100 = 20% of appointments in this period were missed (and our goal was 10%)

Setting Custom Weekly Targets for Practitioners

When customising a metric, the Practitioners tab allows you to exclude practitioners or set a custom weekly target per practitioner.

Select Add Custom Target and choose your preferred Target Type:

Custom target combined for all businesses:
Allows you to specify a single combined target for the practitioner, which will be tracked across all their working locations. This is suitable when a practitioner has varied hours at each location.

Custom target automatically divided across businesses:
Allows you to specify a single combined target for the practitioner, which will automatically divided across all their working locations. This is suitable when a practitioner works across all locations evenly.

Custom target manually divided across businesses:
Allows you to set a different target for each of the practitioner's working locations. This is suitable when a practitioner works more at a specific location.

In this example, we are setting a manual target for Eamon Applecross who works at the Adelaide and Norwood locations:

Performance Dashboard Security

The following security permissions are available for the Performance Dashboard:

Allows the user to access the main Performance Dashboard page. Read-only access will restrict their ability to create and edit metrics and metric groups.

Allows users to export metric results to Excel or CSV from the main Performance Dashboard page.

The practitioners displayed on the main Performance Dashboard page are also restricted by the Data Access > Reports settings from the user's account in Settings > Users & Security.

If the practitioner has access to the main Performance Dashboard page, they will only be able to see practitioners associated with these report data access restrictions on their user account.

If a practitioner is linked to multiple businesses or professions, their metrics will be accessible to any users who have access to any of those businesses or professions.

Home Screen Widget

For convenience, each practitioner can add Performance metrics to their home screen. This is only available to users configured as a practitioner.

Unlike the main Performance page, which can display all practitioner metrics, the home screen widget will only allow the practitioner to access their own data.

Adding the Performance Widget to the Home Screen

To add the performance widget, select Customise and then click on the Performance widget, or drag and drop it to the preferred position on your home screen.

If the performance metric does not appear in the home screen customise menu, confirm that you have linked the user profile and practitioner file.

Controlling which metrics can be added to the home screen

The Performance widget on the home screen will only allow practitioners to add metrics enabled as below:

This means you can allow your management staff to view the full Performance Dashboard, while limiting practitioners to accessing only those widgets you've enabled for the home screen (which will be restricted to their own data).

This ensures that sensitive performance data remains restricted to appropriate users while still allowing practitioners to track their own key metrics from the home screen.

After selecting Customise at the top of the performance page, you can see at a glance whether the metric can be viewed by practitioners on their home screen.

If you wish to hide or show the metric from select practitioners, go to the Practitioners tab at the top of the customise metric screen.

Select Add Custom Target and toggle the Home Screen Access option as required.

Metric Types

The Performance Dashboard can be configured with the following metrics:

Appointment Metrics

Appointment Totals

Displays the total number of appointments with the practitioner, excluding cancelled appointments. It can be displayed as a number of appointments or duration (hours) booked.

Appointment Book Utilisation

Displays the percentage of time utilised in the practitioner's appointment book. It can also be displayed as duration (hours) utilised. This widget is based on the same concepts as the Utilisation Report, which is explained here.

Online Bookings

Displays the number of appointments booked with the practitioner online. It can also be displayed as the total duration of appointments booked online.

Group Appointment Utilisation

Displays the percentage of filled spaces in group appointments, excluding classes with unlimited spaces.

Cancellation Rate

Displays the percentage of total appointments (inc. missed appointments) that were cancelled, or the total number of cancellations.

Rebooking Rate

Displays the number of patient appointments that have a future appointment with the same practitioner at any business. Excludes cancelled appointments. It can be displayed as a percentage of appointments that have a future appointment or the number of patients that have rebooked.

Missed/DNA Appointment Rate

Displays the percentage of total appointments with the appointment status set to Missed/DNA, excluding cancelled appointments.

Billing Metrics

Billing Totals

Displays the value or quantity of the practitioner's billed items or paid items, with options to filter by item code, item group, schedule and fee category.

Average Invoice Value

Displays the practitioner's average total invoice value minus discounts. For multi-practitioner invoices, only the individual practitioner's items are counted.

Average Invoiced per Appointment

Displays the average value of items billed for an appointment with the practitioner. It does not include items that are not linked with an appointment. Linked appointments are displayed in the bottom right of an invoice.

Patient Metrics

Patient Visit Average

Displays the practitioner's patient visit average, accurately measured by counting subsequent consultations directly related to an individual patient's initial consultation.

Unique Patients

Displays the total number of patients with an appointment or transaction with the practitioner.

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