Go to Settings > Appointment Book > Appointment Types and select Add to create a new Appointment Type.
Appointment Type Details
Choose the Description, Short Description and Colours that will be displayed in your appointment book, as shown in the preview.
The following settings can also be configured:
Default Resources - You can also select default resources if there is particular equipment that must be available and reserved when booking this appointment type.
Group Appointment - If this is a group appointment i.e. a class, enable the switch accordingly and choose the maximum class size.
Requires Clinical Note - Practitioners will be reminded to create a clinical note for this appointment types.
Telehealth Appointment - Enable this option if you wish to store telehealth join links for this appointment type.
Default Item Code and Duration
In the Default Item Code & Duration section, click Add to specify the following default preferences to apply when booking this appointment type:
Fee Category
Width (i.e. how many columns to book across when a practitioner has multiple appointment book columns)
Billing at an hourly rate? Learn more about our Hourly Billing feature here.
Practitioner Overrides
You can also add Practitioner Overrides if an individual practitioner's preferences differ from the defaults for this Appointment Type.
Click Save to finalise your changes.